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I don’t know about you but I LOVE all of the silly and random National “holidays” that have been popping up over the past couple of years. I mean, really, as if I needed an excuse to enjoy mexican food, cupcakes, pancakes, coffee….

So, in case you haven’t heard yet, today is not only President’s Day but it’s also National Random Acts of Kindness Day! Now, this may not sound as exciting as National Taco Day but I think it has really great potential to shake things up in our communities and neighborhoods. Think about it, how neat would it be if everyone decided to do just one or two random acts of kindness for someone today?

Here’s a list of 10 totally easy things you can do today to participate:

1 – Share a smile with someone who seems to be having a rough day.

2 – Buy a drink for the car behind you.

3 – Write a sweet, anonymous, note for a friend or, better yet, a complete stranger.

4 – Compliment someone on their shirt, shoes, smile, smarts, etc.

5 – Open the door for the people behind you.

6 – Bake cookies and deliver them to your neighbors.

7 – Write inspirational and encouraging quotes on sticky notes and leave them on people’s cars.

8 – Offer to cook or clean for your parents. Or, if you’re really feeling into it, do your siblings’ chores for them.

9 – Tell your teachers “thank you”.

10 – Pass out free popsicles. Or miniature bags of candy (it’s all half-priced now!)

What do you think? Do you have any other ideas for Random Act of Kindness day? Be sure to document any RAK’s that you see or do and shoot them our way at @CIJOMOTEAM or #CIJOMORAKS!

1472091_10202666651409515_866656435_nJordynn Griffith, CI Communication Coordinator, is married to her best friend Taylor and enjoys cupcakes, coffee, surprises and Cardinals baseball.

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