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Love Series: CHEAP Valentines Date Ideas

heartpizzaValentines Day is celebrated across the world as we found out on Monday’s blog but the important thing to remember is that it isn’t about how you celebrate the day but who you celebrate this day with. You’re in high school, which for the majority means you make minimum wage (if you even have a job) so money is tight.

This year, instead of stressing over what you can buy, what restaurant you are making reservations at, what gift or candy to buy, try the simple approach.

Here is a list of fun ideas that you and your special person can do on Valentines Day:

  • Go for short road trip and stop in a random diner to eat when you get hungry. It isn’t about how far you drive, but enjoying the drive together. Take pictures at random towns, play loud music and talk.
  • Grab take-out, sit on the floor of your parents’  house and watch a movie.
  • Go bowling and grab some drive through food.
  • Make some fun finger foods, grab some sparkling grape juice and have a picnic in the park.
  • Cook a meal from scratch together. This can be surprisingly entertaining if you have never done it before together.
  • Plan a scavenger hunt around town and capture it throughout the night with Twitter or Instragram. Afterwards, go grab some ice cream.
  • Challenge each other at an arcade. Grab a $5 Hot and Ready Pizza at Little Caesars and some cokes from a gas station.
  • Make home-made ice cream and brownies. Forget dinner, focus on the sweets! It is Valentines Day after all.
  • Play some board games, bake some cookies and relax afterwards with popcorn and a movie.

Make sure to document your night and send us the pictures at @CIJOMOTEAM!

580162_10151415378501339_11890326_nMJ Smith, CI Program Coordinator, is a globe-trotting, Italian, Southern belle who is married and expecting her first child in June.

Have a question you want us to address on the blog?  Email us at and let us know!

Just tuning in? Click here to check out day one of the LOVE Series, or here to find day two!

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