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LOVE Series: Celebrating Single

single-nametagWhen I was in junior high and high school I spent many more Valentine’s Days by myself than I did with a box of chocolates and a teddy bear. Unless I bought them for myself in an emotional shopping spree. But that’s another story for another day…

So, when the idea came up to do a blog series focusing on this, often times dreaded holiday I instantly thought of all the crazy shenanigans my friends and I had on this day when we were younger. Let it be known, some of my absolute favorite Valentine’s Day memories include nights with my closest group of friends.

This trip down memory lane left me thinking that I should compile a list of my all-time, Top 5 Favorite Valentine’s Day activities for all of you awesome, un-attached folks out there. So, here we go!

1. Here’s the obvious one: Girls/Guys Night Out!
Round up your best group of friends and either hit up your favorite restaurant and movie or get creative and do a different course of the meal at three different restaraunts (for example: appetizers at Applebees, main course at Wasab and dessert at Johnny Carino’s). Sometimes (safe) spontaneity can provide the absolute best memories weeks and years later. Another fun idea: have everyone put their different ideas into a jar for each course of the meal and pull one out. See where Lady Luck takes the evening!

2. Okay, now if that wasn’t obvious enough for you: Girls/Guys Night IN!
Okay, I know you’re thinking I’m really lame at this point but hear me out on this one. An easy way to save a little money and still have a blast – everyone pitch in a few bucks and head to the grocery store. Pick up a frozen pizza (or two) and a couple of your favorite snack foods. Then bundle in for the evening and let the good times roll. For the guys, challenge each other to a video game competition or play a light-hearted game of Texas Hold’Em. Ladies, enjoy a spa night with your favorite girls. Pizza, chocolate and face-masks, what could be better?!

3. My personal favorite: Organize a Secret Valentine!
It doesn’t matter who you are, most everyone enjoys getting a small something special or hearing something kind and flattering about themselves. Round up all of your single friends and draw names for a “Secret Santa” type of activity. Set a price limit and have fun being creative with gifts for your friends. Who says you can’t show your friends a little love on this holiday?

4. Spend the evening beefing up your college application: Volunteer Somewhere!
It may sound crazy boring and lame but I have never once volunteered my time somewhere and then later regretted it. The most fun I ever had volunteering was going to a local nursing home with a few friends and playing board games with the residents. We got to hear the funniest stories and learned a lot about a generation that was so different than our own. Plus, it can never hurt to have too much community service on those scholarship applications…

5. Saving the best for last: Host an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party!
Make a list of everyone you know that is rocking the single status this year and invite them to your parent’s house for a fun, themed-party. Really go the extra mile with all black decorations, a good anti-relationship playlist (Taylor Swift or Wrecking Ball, anyone?) and maybe a game of Battle of the Sexes just to remind yourself of why you are SO happy to be single this year. Encourage everyone to wear black and bring their favorite comfort foods. Chances are you may even find someone that you haven’t paid much attention to before…

So there are my favorite Valentine’s Day ideas. What are yours? Have you ever done any of these things before?

Make sure to document your night and send us the pictures at @CIJOMOTEAM!

1472091_10202666651409515_866656435_nJordynn Griffith, CI Communications Coordinator, is married to her best friend Taylor and loves cupcakes, coffee, surprises & Cardinals baseball.

Have a question you want us to address on the blog?  Email us at and let us know!

Just tuning in? Be sure to check out the rest of the LOVE Series!
Day 1: History of Valentine’s Day
Day 2: How to Get Out of the Friend Zone
Day 3: CHEAP Date Ideas

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