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10 Tips for a Great Snow Day

By February 4, 2014February 12th, 2014Stuff To Do

Snow-Day-activitiesWhether your mom let you sleep in, or you were told school was cancelled, snow is happening either way.

The question now is what do I do with all this free time?

We have some suggestions:

1. Make a sweet snack like snow ice cream! It’s super easy and delicious. Here’s a recipe:

Tip- avoid the yellow snow!

2. Make some hot cocoa and watch your favorite movie series. You have all day. Treat yourself!

3. Grab a book, your favorite blanket and curl up to  read.

4. Play your video games- we know some of you are addicted!

5. Log onto your Netflix account and start (and finish) a new TV series.

6. Try out that new hair style you’ve been pinning on Pinterest.

7. Grab your friends to go sledding and make a snow man!

8. Make snow angels.

9. Think of a new secret language and teach it to your friends.

10. Be a good Samaritan and clean your neighbors driveway. And hope she has cookies!

Take pictures if you’re out in the snow and tweet us @CIJoMoTeam #SnowDay

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